The board is excited to announce several updates regarding our district. Our renovated and expanded Wastewater Treatment Plant recently went online, and we will be announcing an event this week so residents can take a tour of this facility. Be on the lookout for the email so you don’t miss out. We have also launched a new website with additional features. Finally, the board has added a proposed Operations and Maintenance tax to the November ballot. Learn more below about how this tax might affect your household and if it might save you money!
Greenwood Board of Directors
Updated Website Launch
The district launched a revamped website in September. Some of the new features include language options and easier-to-navigate information. Additional features will be added soon including accessibility controls.
Explore the revamped website.
Operations & Maintenance Tax
GUD is adding an operations and maintenance (O&M) tax to the November 5, 2024 ballot. The tax aims to more equitably distribute contributions for operations and maintenance between residential and commercial property owners.
Use the calculator to determine if this tax will financially benefit your household. Calculate Now
Constable RUOK? Program
Are you or someone you know elderly or disabled and living alone? The RUOK? Program is a FREE service that establishes a prearranged time for participants to receive a regular phone call inquiring about their welfare. Welfare checks are dispatched if a concern is expressed or calls are not answered.
Sign up or find more information about the program on the Harris County Constable Precinct 3 website.